Monday, 29 October 2012

The 2 MOST effective training methods!

Two of the most effective training methods i believe that get results quick and make athletes get in shape and prepared for events are, Interval training and Giant sets..

Interval training is based on how much effort and athlete can sustain over a distance or set time, an example of this is the 100m sprint as the athlete gives as much effort as possible to achieve a good time.
Interval training have lots of benefits consisting of;
Increased metabolism, If you up the intensity of the workout through alternating cardio and muscle moves, and you increase excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. This is what i call “after burn.” Resistance training builds metabolism-boosting muscle while cardio makes the fat over the muscle disappear. After your workout you will continue to burn more calories because your body is still in shock and this will cause it to burn calories over the 24 hour period.
Improved Anaerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity is how long your body can perform without oxygen while exercising at such a high intensity, for example a benefit of improved anaerobic capacity is improved vo2 and this how much oxygen you can inhale in one breath, the more oxygen in the muscles while exercising can have improve your rep range and posture throughout the exercise.
Stimulating muscle growth, To maximize growth in muscle mass and strength, exercise must stimulate the Type II, or fast-twitch, muscle fibers. This means for accomplishing high-intensity, low-volume resistance training it will stimulate muscles to grow.
Giant sets are 4 different exercises performed after each order without any rest to maximize effects on the body depending on what your goals are. Example may be a person wants to gain muscle mass they will do heavy weights on a specific muscle, do between 8-12 reps and 4 different exercises in order to gain results a lot quicker than normal 10 reps with a rest and a chat to mates in-between.
benefits are;
It helps you maintain a quick pace during your workout which is an aid to cardiovascular training.
Cuts down on your valuable time by allowing you to complete your workout faster.
Helps you attack the targeted muscle group in a new and effective way.
Effective way to gain results depending on goals.

Thanks for reading,

Ian McCowan
Personal Trainer


Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Get motivated - Lose 2 stone by christmas!

Hi Guys,
Who wants to fit into a jean size smaller for christmas? Want to fill out your tshirt sleeves?
Continue to read to find out how!
Yes, its Chris again, yappering on about motivation! Ive noticed recently since the dark nights have moved upon us that the gym is becoming less and less busy! Especially with the women! (not all women, but a large percentage)
It seems that as soon as the bikini's and vests have gone away for another year the majority of the population fails to get into the gym mindset. What they are lacking is short term goals to focus on. Throughout the summer, you may have a holiday to look forward to, therefore have the NEED for that bikini body on the beach. Why not set yourself goals throughout the other seasons aswell? Setting these goals will keep you motivated to continue on your weight loss/fitness/muscle gain path!

Christmas isnt a time to throw your hard earned gains out of the window! Its a time to continue your path. At christmas, many of see friends and family we may not have seen since last christmas! Wouldnt it be great to show off all your years hard work? On the pull at your works night out? Reap the benefits of your new found sexy body!
Let me break it down to a managable equation;
Theres around 9 weeks till Christmas. If you follow my recommended guideline of losing 2lb/3lb per week, thats up to 27lbs you could lose by christmas. Thats just over 12kg or just under 2 stone.
Now some of you may think this is rediculous and im exagerating the figures but on average
my clients and our bodytorque members continuously lose a minimum of 2lb per week. This is through a combination of good nutrition (NOT DIETING) and consistant exercise!
All you need to do is email to find out how you can start your journey!

OR sign up to our FREE newsletter with diet tips, training plans, special offers and up and coming events >>>>>>>

Monday, 15 October 2012


Posture varies within different people and is influenced but many factors such as hereditary, job, habits and personality. Other things that could affect posture could be shoes and clothing.

Good posture is important as it:

-Allows full range of movement

-Improves physical appearance

-Keeps muscle action to a minimum thereby conserving energy and reducing fatigue

-Reduces the risk of injuries

- Helps the body's systems to function correctly.

Poor posture may have the following effects on the body:

- Produces alterations in the body's function and movement

-Wastes energy

-Increases fatigue

-Increases the risk of backache and headaches

-Impairs breathing

-Increases the risk of muscular, ligament or joint injury

-Affects circulation

-Affects digestion

-Gives poor physical appearance

There are 3 postural defects that you can get or be born with these are:


- This is an abnormally increased inward curvature of the thoracic spine. The back appears round as the shoulders point forward and the head moves forward. There pectorals muscles become tight with this condition.


- This is an abnormally increased inward curvature of the lumbar spine. With this condition the pelvis tilts forward and the back is hollow, the abdomen and bum protrude and the knees may become hyperextended. Typical problems that occur with this condition are tightening of the back muscles followed by weakening of the abdominal muscles. Hamstring problems are also common because the anterior tilt of the pelvis. Increased weight gain or pregnancy may cause or make this condition worse.


- This is a lateral curvature of the vertebral column, either to the left or right side. The signs of this condition include unequal leg length, distortion of the rib cage, unequal position of the hips or shoulders and curvature of the spine.

Exercises that can help kyphosis are:
- Rows, they will help to strengthen the back muscles and help you stand straight

- Weight exercises involving standing, sitting or lying, straight arm lifts (on the stomach) and pull backs

- Yoga is good for helping kyphosis as they loosen the muscles of the chest. Poses such as locust pose sphinx, cobra, cat and cow pose.



The pelvic tilt position is the opposite of an arched back. If practiced daily, it can help correct a lordotic posture. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, tilt the lower part of your pelvis from the floor, forming a hollow bowl between your pelvis and your navel. Perform about 20 repetitions daily


The stability ball bridge strengthens your gluteal muscles. Since the ball is an unstable object, it requires deep core activation. As such, this exercise will work your butt and your deep abdominal muscles. Lie on your back with your calves draped over the ball. Begin with the pelvic tilt. Then, squeeze your butt until you are in a bridge position. As you roll down, try to feel each vertebra touch the floor. Make sure that the lower back touches the floor before the pelvis. Perform 12 repetitions every day


Strengthening your abdominal muscles is essential for correcting spinal lordosis. Performing your crunches on a stability ball will make use of your deeper abdominal muscles. Position yourself on the ball so that you butt, lower back and mid-back are against the ball's surface. Rest your fingers at the edge of your head. Inhale to prepare. As you exhale, curl your upper torso so that your rib cage moves toward your pelvis. Perform 20 repetitions daily.


Lie on your back with your knees bent. Lift both legs from the floor, and draw your knees to your chest. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds. Then, lower one heel to the floor. Keep the opposite knee close to your chest. Slide the other heel along the floor until the leg is straight. Keep your back flat on the floor the entire time. Perform eight repetitions on each leg.


To perform arm/leg extensions, sit on a chair, or better yet, use an exercise ball. Sit straight up. Extend your left arm and lift your right leg straight up; hold for three seconds then switch sides. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
To perform back extensions, use an exercise ball. Kneel on a mat and relax your upper body over the ball. Lift your arms straight out to your sides, hold for five seconds, and relax. Repeat 10 to 15 times
Writter - Emma Rushton
Our website :


Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Most important meal of the day, but why do we skip it?

Okay guys going to get up monthly blogs about nutrition! I want to get as much views and feedback as possible to learn about your own diets to see see where I will help.
Research studies indicate that children who eat breakfast perform better on cognitive tests and in school. It also works that way for adults too since our brains need fuel to work properly every day.

Skipping breakfast is a common ‘strategy’ for people who are trying to ‘lose weight’, but unfortunately, it's usually not a successful strategy. Your body (or more likely, your brain) expects to be refuelled a few times each day. When you don't eat breakfast you may feel so hungry by lunch time that you eat more foods than you normally would, which cancels out the calories you cut by skipping breakfast. You may also be tempted to choose foods that are not the healthiest choices when you feel like you're starving.

For many people, eating breakfast is an important part of a weight loss diet. Research studies tell us that people who eat breakfast are more likely to maintain a healthy weight. Some experts believe that breakfast keeps your metabolism running higher because skipping meals causes the body to kick into 'starvation' mode. This sounds impressive, but it really isn't what happens! It takes three or four days of eating nothing before the body starts gearing down your metabolism. It's more likely that people who regularly eat breakfast also make good dietary choices the rest of the day.

Heres some healthy examples of breakfasts;

·         Banana porridge
Porridge made with water and topped with natural yogurt, banana, raisins and sweetened with honey.
·         Fruit salad with yogurt and oats
Fresh fruit salad with natural yogurt and a sprinkling of oats.
·         Fresh fruit smoothie
Fruit smoothie made from fresh fruit, natural yogurt.
·         Muesli and yogurt
Homemade muesli made from oats, seeds, nuts and dried fruit served with natural yogurt.
·         Boiled eggs with tomatoes
Boiled eggs with tinned tomatoes

Eating breakfast should be the most important meal of the day! Follow the old golden rule, Breakfast like a king, Lunch like a queen and Dinner like a Peasant!
Thanks for reading, I hope you found it interesting.
Writter - Connor Doherty
Our website :

Monday, 1 October 2012

Are you fighting fit?


In's and out's of training for a pro thai boxing fight.

Getting told you have a fight (event) coming up, its good news but you also realise that there is a long road of training and countless hours in the gym before you step in the ring.

Preparing your own training programme can be good but you also know that you will set it to what you do comfortably. I try to set my training programme with hard and both easy sessions for the long 10 weeks. These consist of strength & conditioning sessions at Bodytorque and also technique at kirkby thai, all to improve my performance in then ring. Nutrition is also a major part of training as you can train as hard as you want but if you eat rubbish, you will gain fat and lack in performance because you are not getting key vitamins and minerals to the body what you will need to perform.
Starting the long training for the fight always begins with checking weight and constant monitoring throughout. Each day consisting of at least 1 hard session. There is times during training when you just want a moment to sit down have some water and relax a second but you always think 'is my opponent training this hard' and 'hes not going to let me rest in the fight', that what thrives you to carry on and push a few more repetitions out. After a couple of weeks the fight is getting closer and the nerves are kicking in abit more, you feel uneasy, cant sleep at night and you don't feel like eating. Then you end up having a poor session, you feel bad, you are stressed out and cannot concentrate.
Last 3 weeks of the fight left, your body's tired, you have cravings for junk food, all your friends are asking you to go and party and your having tempting thoughts about going out and maybe having a chippy. This is where it starts getting mentally tough, your itching to go out with the lads, watch the football and have a laugh with a few beers, your getting peer pressured into having one but you have to think 'I have came all this way why ruin it?'
after saying no, all your friends are off out to town and your off out on a jog. determination and will power kicks in now and this is where the real battle begins.
Last 2 weeks of the fight you start thinking alot about your opponent and what is he going to do? So your practising strategies and improving technique. Throughout the time of training I get sports therapy massages from Emma Rushton at Bodytorque, this is to stimulate recovery, deep tissue repair, muscle growth and flexibility. I also get full diet guidance from Connor Doherty on how to find foods what will improve my endurance, recovery rate and not leave me feeling sluggish.
Its now fight week. Nerves are really kicking in, you become nervous and worried about what your opponent can do to you and the outcome of the fight, you switch off from everything and the fight is what is on your mind, nothing else. Weighing in is scary because you are worried about weight and also you get to see what you opponent looks like and there build, height and reach you take in to consideration. After the weigh in you re-hydrate, eat an get a good nights sleep and become focused on what you are going to do to and get in there and go for the win. Achieve what you never thought you could do 10 weeks ago.
Thanks for reading,
Writer - Ian mccowan

Monday, 3 September 2012

Nutritional Timing for athletic performance

Nutritional timing for athletic performance

Recommended per day
1 litre of water per 50lb of bodyweight
1g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight
1g of carbohydrate will provide 4kcal of energy
At least 5 different portions of fruit and veg per day, the more colours in your diet the better.

Before training

Hydration - drink 450ml up to 2 hours before. Kidneys need 60-90 minutes to process excess liquid, so this will be excreted before the event/activity, leaving you hydrated without excess water. Too much excess fluid taken immediately before an activity may cause 'sloshing' in the stomach.

Drink 110-225ml, 5-10 minutes before activity. This will be available to replace sweat.

Energy - 1g of carbohydrates will provide 4kcal of energy. Around 2 hours before exercise you should be consuming a balanced meal of roughly 400/500 calories to provide you with enough energy to complete your training session. You should be aiming for low-glycemic foods such as brown rice, brown pasta for a slow releasing energy release. 

During training

Hydration - ideally try to take small sips of water every few minutes. This will keep you fully hydrated during your training. You should be aiming to consume up to litre of water per hour of exercise. If exercising at a hard pace for longer than 60 minutes you will benefit from drinks containing a small amount of sugar. A 4-8% solution of sugar in water.  As glycogen stores are depleted, there is greater reliance on blood sugar levels, these drinks can provide this fuel and will enhance endurance and performance.

After training

Arguably the most important phase of nutrition timing.

Hydration - continue to drink your water and rehydrate. Also during exercise and sweating the body loses minerals (electrolytes) such as potassium and sodium that help your body function properly. Sports drinks are designed to leave the stomach quickly to replace these minerals.

Recovery - the body can only consume between 20-30g of protein at any one time depending on bodyweight. I recommend a fast acting whey protein to be taken immediately after exercise, or at least within 10 minutes of completing exercise. I recommend this as your body is in a state of muscular shock it will not be able to break down and absorb any solid protein in a quick enough time. After showering and getting home your body will have relaxed into a more restful state, a balanced meal of protein, carbs and veg would be ideal. High glycemic carbohydrates will replace glycogen stores in your muscles providing adequate energy for recovery. Vegetables will also provide the essential links to react the chemical reactions to facilitate the synthesis of carbohydrates and protein.

Writter - Connor Doherty

For more info on nutrition or taylor made specific diet plans please contact me on

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Sports Therapy

What is Sports therapy?

Sports therapy consists of different things from massage to light rehabilitation.

Massage & rehab can help athletes get back to being in top form from injury. Injury prevention therapy is also, if not more, important. Muscle strains, muscle tightness and little niggles can all be assisted through massage to improve recovery time so you can continue your sport at 100% performance. Pre/post event massage can be proven in a number of studys to benefit athletes in competition and aid in recovery.

Not only is sports therapy good for athletes, we also help a number of general gym goers in there battle to get fit.

If you have become injured, or leave a muscle strain and continue to train, trust me, YOU WILL REGRET IT. Your problem will not just go away, it will get worse and worse untill it could leave you with a permanant injury. Speak to me for a free consultation to see if I can help. At Bodytorque we are now offering sports massage and relaxation massages. You do not need to be a member to take advantage of this service.

Until friday 7th of september I am offering a limited amount of FREE massages and therapy consultations. To find out more info email me on

Thanks for reading,

Writter - Emma Rushton, Sports Therapist and Personal Trainer

Our website :

Friday, 24 August 2012

RawFit IS BACK! Bodyweight challenge!

Dates and details have been CONFIRMED!

The theme of the event will be BODYWEIGHT STRENGTH

Everyone will be weighed upon arrival. From then there will be 5 events!

1. Bench press (with equivalent bodyweight on the bar)
2. Squats (with equivalent bodyweight on the bar)
3. Wide Grip Pull ups (with equivalent bodyweight on the bar)
4. Bodyweight Gymnastic Dips
5. Rope climbs

Points will be alocated at the end of each event and totalled at the end.

£15 to enter, including a FREE RawFit tshirt, refreshments and insurance.

Winners and runner up prizes are :

1st place - Winners gold trophy + 6 months gym & classes membership to Bodytorque - Institute of Physical performance (worth £180)

2nd place - Runner up silver trophy + 1 months gym & classes membership to Bodytorque
- Institute of physical performance (worth £90)

All competitors will recieve a free RawFit tshirt and water/energy drinks on the day

Apply now by emailing

Friday, 10 August 2012

Focus, visualisation, and positive attitude.

Right guys, I just wanted to talk to you about the importance of positive attitude and the impact it can have on your life. Now positive attitude can come in many shapes and forms, but its about being happy in whatever you. The glass is always half full, not empty. Catch my drift?

Theres a number of benefits for positive thinking; a healthier fitter life, life expectancy increased, reduction of stress and success in your career.
Positive attitude can help boost your immune system, to in turn help you live longer, especially when dealing with viral infections and some forms of cancer, found a 2007 study performed by the Department of Psychology at the University of Kentucky and published in Brain, Behavior and Immunity

Now lets move onto a BIG one now, FOCUS & VISUALISATION. As mentioned last time in my article about motivation, this is paramount. To want to achieve any sort of goal, whether in health and fitness or your career, you must focus and visualise your end result and the steps to get you there.

Lets look at this from a weight loss perspective, in the long term you may have an idol in your head you would love to look like. For example, ive recently had alot of female clients tell me they would love to look like olympic gold medalist Jessica Ennis. Now alot of surrounding factors tell them they will never look like this. Why not? With hard training, good diet and focus ANYTHING is achievable. Remember, these olympic athletes are not born great, they work hard and continue to push themselves to reach their goals, so why dont you?

Again, lets break this down even furthur and look more short term. Each session my clients enter the gym, I tell them to be work hard but more importantly stay positive. If I ask them to perform something specifically challeging, I want them to think, I CAN DO THIS, I WILL DO THIS. Think about the end result and its through this hard work they will achieve there end result. This focus and visualisation is what will help you to complete the task instead of thinking, I cant do this and crubbling on the floor. Its this drive and motivation that will stop you having that cheeky pint at the weekend, or kebab 'to reward yourself' after a tough week. Reward yourself when you reach the result you want! Not half way through!

Like I mentioned in the previous post, FIND MOTIVATION ANYWERE YOU CAN, look for it, search for it and always stay FOCUSED.

Writter - Chris Tomlinson

Our website :

Friday, 27 July 2012


How important is motivation?
To us at Bodytorque motivation is the number 1 ingredient for training! Knowledge of exercises, diet and training means nothing without it. Without motivation, will you leave work after a long hard day to then go to the gym and actually train hard? Will you still put your running trainers on and go out in the rain? Will you lift that extra rep?

Now dont get me wrong, we all struggle for motivation at times, Ive been fairly quiet on this blog recently as Ive had nothing to motivate me to write, BUT...A few of my clients have forwarded me articles this week that have kept them motivated and in turn inspired me to write this. Its about finding your own motivation & drive to reach a goal that you desire. Keeping focused until you achieve what you set out for and then continue to keep going! I can motivate all of my clients to a certain extent, but the real drive and commitment needs to come from within, a deep desire to achieve a certain goal.

Now for me, I find great motivation from videos such as this :

What these athletes can do, even though disabled, is amazing! Feel motivated? What have you done this week to push your boundaries or take a step closer to your goals?

Here is a great article that one of my clients emailed me this morning, definately taking 2 minutes to read :

Catching my drift?

Motivation isnt just something that happens, you need to look for it, find it, fuel your desire and reach your goal! Its about focusing on the next stage, taking one step at a time and always moving forward. Nobody can do it for you, ITS UP TO YOU!
Thanks for reading, I hope Ive inspired a few of you. Instead of waiting for tomorrow, or monday to come round to rejoin the gym, JOIN TODAY! The time is now! If you found our article interesting please share it with friends, family and collegues to inspire them too!

Our website :


Friday, 13 July 2012

Suspension Training

The term suspension training refers to an approach to fitness training that uses a system of ropes and webbing called a "suspension trainer" to allow the user to work against their own body weight.

Suspension exercise offers a new form of training for people of all abilities. It allows you to leverage your own bodyweight with gravity to develop strength, balance, flexibility, and joint stability simulaneously.

  1. By suspending your body against gravity you create dynamic resistance, allowing you to use gravity to target any muscle in the human body.
  2. By changing the angle and thereby increasing or decreasing the resistance, you can find your optimal resistance point. The more horizontal you are, the more you are lifting.
  3. Suspended bodyweight training forces your body to engage your core and stabilizer muscles, resulting in a more flexible, symmetrical and complete workout.

We have put together a video at Bodytorque to showcase just a few exercises for a full body workout.

Chest flies
Reverse back flies
Bicep Curls
Tricep extensions
Torso Twists
Shoulder Press
Plank / Half Plank
Spider Man Ab Crunches
Alternate leg ab crunches
 Hamstring Curls

Our website :