Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Get motivated - Lose 2 stone by christmas!

Hi Guys,
Who wants to fit into a jean size smaller for christmas? Want to fill out your tshirt sleeves?
Continue to read to find out how!
Yes, its Chris again, yappering on about motivation! Ive noticed recently since the dark nights have moved upon us that the gym is becoming less and less busy! Especially with the women! (not all women, but a large percentage)
It seems that as soon as the bikini's and vests have gone away for another year the majority of the population fails to get into the gym mindset. What they are lacking is short term goals to focus on. Throughout the summer, you may have a holiday to look forward to, therefore have the NEED for that bikini body on the beach. Why not set yourself goals throughout the other seasons aswell? Setting these goals will keep you motivated to continue on your weight loss/fitness/muscle gain path!

Christmas isnt a time to throw your hard earned gains out of the window! Its a time to continue your path. At christmas, many of see friends and family we may not have seen since last christmas! Wouldnt it be great to show off all your years hard work? On the pull at your works night out? Reap the benefits of your new found sexy body!
Let me break it down to a managable equation;
Theres around 9 weeks till Christmas. If you follow my recommended guideline of losing 2lb/3lb per week, thats up to 27lbs you could lose by christmas. Thats just over 12kg or just under 2 stone.
Now some of you may think this is rediculous and im exagerating the figures but on average
my clients and our bodytorque members continuously lose a minimum of 2lb per week. This is through a combination of good nutrition (NOT DIETING) and consistant exercise!
All you need to do is email info@bodytorque.org.uk to find out how you can start your journey!

OR sign up to our FREE newsletter with diet tips, training plans, special offers and up and coming events >>>>>>> http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=lckm48kab&p=oi&m=1111187925067




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