Chris Tomlinson explains all :
Lets clear a few things up about the new herbalife craze. Firstly it is complete BULLSHIT. Heres why :
I think its around £120 for a starter kit. In that kit you get 'slimming tea' which you could get green tea for £1. Mulitivitamins, again £1 from anywere. 2 x 1kg protein shakes, you could buy for around £20 each & protein bars, could buy for around £12-£15. All in all your paying £120 for products that you can buy for £57.00. Herbalife use mass advertising and sales reps to increase there product price so you pay for the name and the cost of there advertising. Herbalife reps are trained salemen to convince you they have the best product. But ask yourself this, are are they completely impartial? Its really nice of them to give you this information free of charge? if you just answered yes to any of those questions, you are a FOOL! Herbalife works on the same way any reps work, through COMMISION! Yes, they make money from selling there product to you! The herbalife diet consists of 1 meal per day, 1 shake per day and 1 protein bar which totals to around a max of 1000 calories. As an example, for super rapid weight loss i could recommend a water diet! You drink 2 litres of water per day, I charge you £10 for this water ( even though you can buy it from the supermarket for 50p ) but your paying for the 'water diet', you consume NO food or calories per day! Due to your body consuming no calories it has no choice but to eat itself which leads to rapid weight loss. Amazing right? WRONG! When the average man needs up to 2000 calories and woman around 1500 for body functions to work (lungs,heart ect) this is massively unhealthy! When you stop the herbalife 'diet' (or any sort of huge calorie restricting diet) your weight will rapidly increase and often go higher than it was before. Good clean eating and hard exercise is the key, its healthy to lose 2/3lb of weight per week and be able to keep it off. Hope this clears a few things up guys! Rant over :)